~Order Out Of Chaos~
by Jan Steinle
"I think of creating ‘order out of chaos’ when I look at this…with focus, structure and intention, we can bring order to a chaotic world."
Looking over this past year and the new year approaching, we can reflect and see how far we've come from where we were a year ago. How well were you navigating through 2016? Did you meet your most pressing goals - personal and professional?
There is no denying that life hands us challenges and circumstances that may not be of our choosing, or to our liking, but we keep on. The last ten years of my life have been riddled with situations that I had no control over. I look back and realize I discerned what was important to me by where I directed my energy.
Some questions I ask myself: What does purpose look like? Do I have a reason to get up in the morning with bright eyes, seizing the day with a warm heart and a purposeful agenda. What will I do that is productive in my day, serving others? Is my attitude aligned with my goals? What makes my heart beat a little faster, brings out the passion in me and directs me to where I am meant to be? Where am I meant to be? How do I figure it out?
I ended up in Dr John Stanko's classroom in 2014, (purposequest.com) trying to figure out what path to take next after Mom died. By the end of that year and only two months from Mom's life ending, I decided to, no I needed to write my book - The Artistry of Caregiving: Letters To Inspire Your Caregiver Journey - a book of comfort, hope, peace, love and recovery that includes support and affirmations through my words and Zentangle Caregiver Art. I had tunnel vision for two years until I completed the book project. It was my heart, my soul, my being, that the book became my sole focus - to help others while living in the slippery slope of Caregiving. I'm happy that I completed that project and I feel good about what I've shared with others. I hope I make a positive difference in the reader's life. There is nothing more for me to do with that project, other than sharing with you that my book is now available on Amazon in paperback and kindle. A labor of love ~ a song to sing to you in a hopeful, affirming way, to compel you to pick up my book and read the words and see the images that speak to your heart, letting you know you're understood and not alone.
In October of this year I won lst Place for the TAZ - The Authors' Zone Award in Pittsburgh, PA, under the self-help category. It was a thrill and the icing on the cake for this project. I also noticed just prior to that event on the Proof page of the book (last page), Mom's birth date is the time stamp! The book had been in my possession since August and I never noticed it. The night I discovered it I had biG tears of joy - Mom gave us her blessing in black and white! My sister Jan designed the book cover and my Dad was my original editor. The book is a beautiful reflection of my family life. Truly a blessing to behold.
In October of this year I won lst Place for the TAZ - The Authors' Zone Award in Pittsburgh, PA, under the self-help category. It was a thrill and the icing on the cake for this project. I also noticed just prior to that event on the Proof page of the book (last page), Mom's birth date is the time stamp! The book had been in my possession since August and I never noticed it. The night I discovered it I had biG tears of joy - Mom gave us her blessing in black and white! My sister Jan designed the book cover and my Dad was my original editor. The book is a beautiful reflection of my family life. Truly a blessing to behold.
So, what's next? I'm currently working on a new launch for Caregivers with a new partner. We are all about Caring for the Caregiver, Nurturing the Nurturers. We're projecting to launch by mid-February and we're so excited to share something new that we think will have a positive impact in your life and your Caregiving Journey. Stay tuned... As the new year approaches and new horizons present themselves, grab hold of the support and resource we will be supplying with great motivation, passion and heart to share with you in the coming months. For now, it remains a secret, but soon enough we will start our joint venture together with bright eyes and big dreams, sharing from our hearts.
Take some time the next few days to determine what will take place in your life in 2017. Time marches on and there is no stopping time, no matter how we are feeling. Seize the day and open your mind and heart to where you will be lead, how you will be lead and who you will impact in the coming year.
If you don't know right now where you want to focus your energy, give yourself some room to breathe. Read some books on purposeful living. Check out purposequest.com and pull up the free survey to help you get going and figure out where you want to spend your time. Time is our most precious commodity. We can't recapture a moment, an hour, a day, a month or a year. All we have is NOW.
Make an outline or a list or grab a journal and start writing away so you can see on paper what your next move is. And, if you don't know now, keep digging, go deep inside and ask the important question - what is my life's purpose? Do the work you need to do to find the answer/s you need to move on and make a difference in your life and those around you.
You have everything it takes to make a life worth living. I believe in you!
Cheers to a very Happy & Healthy New Year coming your way:)
Best Wishes,
~If you're interested in being a guest blogger, please reach out and let me know.~ cbrecht4@gmail.com
To read my recent interview with www.nextactforwomen.com
To read my recent interview with www.ellensmithwrites.com
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