Wednesday, April 1, 2015

*~ A Bouquet Of Flowers ~*

What a big difference the little things make when you're going through profound changes with someone who is ill. Chronic illness is far reaching in family and friendship circles - everyone is impacted. 

Some people seem to fall by the wayside and are no longer around, or disconnect because the changes are too much to bear. It amazes me how every single person reacts uniquely to the circumstances.

I always have fresh flowers in my home, year-round. It seems like such a small detail, and yet it makes a huge difference in my home life. I've become accustomed to having flowers, and when I don't I'm aware that something is missing. The flowers make my home seem brighter, cheerier and prettier. In my opinion, one can never have too many flowers. 

Whether or not you bring flowers, a card, a meal, a gift or just bring yourself to visit those who aren't well, small details matter. Giving is an act of love. Showing up is a demonstration of love. I don't believe it's possible to out love or over give. It's the gesture and effort that counts. 

So often, it's easy to say I'll visit tomorrow or next week or when I feel like it. A kinder attitude might be: I need to visit today. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I'll make the time now, and I'm going now.

It's always nice to give a Caregiver a token of your appreciation too, as well as to your loved one. She/he works hard. A Caregiver gets very little recognition or thanks for a job well done. It's always nice to pay someone a compliment or a small gift to show your appreciation. 

In my experience, someone who is shown appreciation has a better attitude. Let it be you who helps to make the difference to spread the joy~*

Best Wishes, 
Carole Brecht
Instagram: @San_Gen_Woman
Twitter: Carole Brecht @SanGenWoman

Copyright 2015

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