Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Caregiver*

This picture says it all.

The Sandwich Generation of Caregivers makes critical decisions daily for its loved ones. Maintaining stability while changing roles with our parents, we strive our best to morph into the Caregiver role, in what seems like a moment's notice. Suddenly in midlife, we have an on-going role change with those whom we care about most. I didn't even know the term Caregiver until I was well into my emotional journey of caring for a parent...and then life took on a new meaning. Everything changed, including me. I was just being a "helper" as a daughter. I didn't know what I was doing. Every day called for something different. It felt like I was flying blind, managing medical teams, Caregivers, specialists, medication and everything under the sun - a gigantic job I had no training for. 

I often feel I am chasing time, because so much needs to be done. We all have 24 hours in a day. That is the basic thing we have in common, aside from the obvious. It's critical we organize and manage our time wisely while we try to stay ten steps ahead. There is nothing to prepare us to manage critical events until they present themselves. Be open minded to learn as you go and to accept advice.  It's not simple, it's complicated. I'll be writing more about this in another blog.

We stay the course and never give up. Love for someone is a powerful motivator. I long for even one more day with my Mother.

Mother's Day is nearing and we love our Mothers so much. Let's honor them with a salute to those who have served. Women are on the front line, working and managing tirelessly, setting examples for our children. Mothers are a 24/7 army of women who have served since the beginning of time. 

Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you have a fun-filled day. And if your Mother is no longer with you, you still have your memories to see you through and to appreciate the time you shared when she was here.

Best Wishes,
Carole Brecht
Instagram: @San_Gen_Woman
Twitter: Carole Brecht @SanGenWoman

Copyright 2015

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